Monday, April 25, 2016

Think about your thoughts..

      One of the model that we have about our brain is that it is a layered architecture, one layer is based on top of the other one. ( my simplified view).
 Our rational layer relies on the emotional layer. If the emotional layer is in a NOK state it will inhibit/limit the operation of the rational layer. It is easy to observe others, but it is way more difficult to detect it yourself. This requires practiced mindfulness. One easy way is to look at the picture above and identify if some of the quotes from the thoughts type apply. There are also more  like that, my favorite one ( red )  is "This is not what I have expected". Most of the time you see in the news that something bad is going to happen, or something is unfair, etc this is when the people who make the news try to manipulate you, they shortcut your rational layer of the  mind by inducing a state to your emotional layer. So, try to protect your shortcuts!

 Here is a nice TED talk how to practice the habit of mindfulness:

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