Monday, December 19, 2016

Do you hate your job ?

Or the other way around, (maybe you do not hate it, it is "not so bad") ,  do you love your job ? Because if you do not love it, it means that something is wrong. It is ether you or your workplace ( maybe both.. ) Take a look at this picture :

Here are some questions to see at what level you are: (the first question where the answer is yes determines your level)
- Do you watch the clock during the day, to not spend more than 1 min above 8 h ? => Level 5
- Do you check your overtime regularly? => Level 4 ( Hamster )
- Do you plan to leave at the end of the year => Level 3 ( Chicken - laying golden eggs..)
- Do you feel highly stressed/tired ? => Level 2  ( Actually you are never tired* ) ( VIP Chicken)
- Do you love working there? ;)
*ok, there are some exceptions

Here is another way to look at employee engagement:

If the issue is with the organization you work for ( they are not mature enough developing people ) , maybe your interests do not align. The interests of the organization are mostly clear, but are your interests clear to you? There are some ruff questions you need to answer. I will not  detail them here, because there is a really nice toolkit available here:

Just sign up, follow the steps and fill out the free work books. ( I have done it, it was a great experience ) . They emphasize the importance of the environment, it is so true! Environment is the basis for development. ( A small side story on this. The mayor of Timisoara wanted to plant palm trees in the city. But this is not the right environment for them, so they can not grow and develop themselves.. )

Take this  free questionnaire!!  It might help you discover what you want to do before you die...
Just make sure you ACT, and check if the company/manager does CARE

While writing and researching this post I have discovered Simon Sinek The next thing I plan to do is to discover my why:

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