Monday, March 20, 2017

Are you powerful ?

A few years ago I was visiting the Henry Ford Museum in Detroit. I was struck by message of the following picture above a huge steam engine:

The sentence is true even today, we have a different, more precise word for power : Energy ( especially cheap energy.. ).
Once you have enough energy, you might still desire power. In this case the power is defined as the ability to influence or outright control the behavior of people. In case of control that is also called manipulation. This is present in many forms of today's private or other type of organizations.
I do not want to go into the full details of the types of power , just list a short definition and the weaknesses of them:

Legitimate power  - Also called "positional power," it is the power of an individual because of the relative position and duties of the holder of the position within an organization. Legitimate power is formal authority delegated to the holder of the position. It is usually accompanied by various attributes of power such as an uniform, a title, or an imposing physical office.
 - once the individual is not the holder of the position he is powerless.  A good example: ex-managers

Reward power - This results from one person's ability to compensate another for compliance. (giving out raises, rewards, etc )
 - if the rewards/raises are not perceived as value then the power weakens.

Coercive power - application of negative influences. (withholding rewards,  punishments )
 - it builds resentment and resistance from the people who experience it. Are judges powerful?

Informational power - having access / control over information.
 - once the scarce information is widely available and widely known this power weakens as well

And now the individual powers:  ( all the above ones are positional type )

Expert power -  deriving from the skills or expertise of the person and the organization's needs for those skills and expertise.  "Knowledge is power.", but knowledge in itself is not powerful. It is the use of knowledge and expertise that confers power .
 - it is specific, limited to a field - but it does not depend on position !

Referent power - is the power or ability of individuals to attract others and build loyalty. It is based on the charisma and interpersonal skills of the power holder.
 -  it is linked to reputation. Once the reputation is bad....

Also related to this topic are the "rules" of power. These are important because power (just like a knife ) is dangerous, you might hurt others or yourself. Here is a nice video ( an animated book review ) about how to apply the rules of power:

I remember taking part in a project management training where the trainer had a lot of quotes from the Art of War. I felt a strangeness in the parallel of project and war. ( one common thing is survival.. ). "If your only tool is hammer everything looks like a nail.." Here is an enlightening TED-Talk about the warrior's mindset:

So I think a better question to ask is: Do you need to be powerful ?  A better way is to have your ideas be powerful..
And to close the circle, here is a book about The Most Powerful Idea in the World.

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